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Pain Management and Relaxation: Overcoming Sciatica with Hydrotherapy
Pain Management and Relaxation: Overcoming Sciatica with Hydrotherapy
Written by Kimberly Giraldo
Updated over 3 months ago

Sciatica pain getting the best of you? You’re not alone. Believe it or not, sciatica is one of the most common conditions affecting middle-aged Americans, with a recent article from the Cleveland Clinic citing that nearly 40% of all adults will experience the condition in their lifetime.

What’s the solution? Stretching, regular exercise, and physical therapy are great ways to begin to relieve pain and return to daily life. However, many Americans are increasingly turning to alternative pain management methods like yoga, acupuncture, and even hydrotherapy.

Dive deeper into this article to learn more about Sciatica, its symptoms, and how Jacuzzi® is helping many temporarily relieve their sciatica pain.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica refers to pain along the sciatic nerve, the longest and thickest nerve in the body running from the lower back down to the top of the foot. The condition is typically caused by irritation stemming from previous injuries, herniated disks, and excessive sitting, among other factors. The sciatic nerve connects with many different nerves, meaning it is common for sciatica pain to radiate to other parts of the body and lead to complications elsewhere.

Typical sciatica symptoms include:

- Lower back pain: Dull, sharp, or burning pain often radiating down the leg.

- Tingling or burning: Many describe a “pins and needles” feeling down one side of their leg.

- Muscle weakness: Limited muscle mobility or difficulty moving the leg is common.

- Numbness: Disruption of nerve signals causes loss in sensation to the front or back of the leg.

What causes Sciatica?

Sciatica can be triggered by a variety of different factors, typically affecting middle-aged adults between ages 40 and 50. This doesn’t mean that younger adults are immune to the condition however, as it can also be seen in those as young as their early 20s.

Some common causes of sciatica pain are:

- Herniated discs: By far the most frequent source of sciatica, herniated discs occur when spinal discs slip out of place, often pushing up against the sciatic nerve.

- Degenerative disc disease: As you age, discs can naturally gain wear and tear, leading to nerve compression and sciatica pain.

- Injuries: Trauma to the lower back, hips, or legs can inflame and compress nerves, causing sciatica to flare up.

- Pregnancy: Carrying a child increases pressure on the spine and hips, amplifying chances for sciatica and other nerve injuries.

- Spinal Stenosis: A condition causing the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back, often compressing the sciatic nerve.

Treating Sciatica with Jacuzzi®

Hot tubs offer a variety of hydrotherapeutic solutions for conditions like sciatica. In fact, hot water has been used for healing and pain management for thousands of years, with evidence of therapeutic bathing rituals dating back to the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian empires.

So exactly how does a Jacuzzi® work its healing magic?

Here are several ways that hot tubs can help with pain relief:

Heat Therapy

When you slide beneath the surface of a Jacuzzi® hot tub, you’re enveloped in a blanket of warm water, instantly putting your body at ease and clearing your mind. Heat therapy also promotes circulation, reduces muscle tension, and alleviates stiffness, all beneficial for sciatica and other muscular conditions. Increased circulation delivers more oxygen to injured tissue, helping heal your muscles and eliminate pain to improve your day-to-day life.


The benefits of soaking in hot water are as old as time, with recordings of ancient hydrotherapy practices stretching back throughout history. Whether you’re a Greek philosopher or someone suffering from sciatica, your body will surely enjoy the comfort of taking a dip in a hot tub. What makes hydrotherapy so effective? The buoyancy of water reduces stress on joints and muscles, helping support your body, minimize muscle pressure, and temporarily relieve pain by alleviating the strain of gravity.

Stress Relief

Aside from the physical effects of sciatica, the condition can also be emotionally draining, causing additional stress from chronic pain. Spending time in a Jacuzzi® hot tub is a great way to calm the mind, as warm water is said to lower levels of cortisol and other stress hormones. Regular hot tub sessions can also help improve sleep quality, making up for any sleep lost as a result of sciatica pain.


Most people enjoy the feeling of jets in a hot tub, but there’s no bigger fan of hydromassage than your muscles. Jacuzzi® tubs come equipped with an array of jets, offering a high-flow, low-pressure hydrotherapy experience to help your body relax. Better yet, exclusive Jacuzzi® jetted technology allows users to adjust jet direction and intensity, focusing on certain parts of the body for a personalized massage experience. For those with sciatica, jet-induced hydromassage can temporarily reduce muscle spasms, alleviate tension, and minimize swelling by targeting deep tissue along the leg and lower back.

Red Light Therapy

For a more specialized approach, those with sciatica can look to Red Light therapy, a newer technology found in select Jacuzzi® hot tubs. This light-based regenerative treatment nurtures surface tissue and skin cells to help fight inflammation and keep your body feeling fresh. According to ongoing research from the National Institute of Health, Red Light therapy has also been shown to help promote cellular repair and stimulate the body’s healing process, providing temporary pain relief for those with sciatica.

Infrared Therapy

As the first and only brand to offer Infrared and Red Light therapy across a range of products, Jacuzzi® is continuing to help improve outcomes for those suffering from conditions like sciatica. Infrared therapy penetrates even further than Red Light therapy, targeting deep tissue to momentarily relieve pain and rejuvenate muscles. Fortunately, Infrared and Red Light therapy are often found side by side within Jacuzzi® products, meaning both soft and deep tissues can be targeted simultaneously.

Additional Benefits

Aside from pain and stress relief, Jacuzzi® hot tubs offer a variety of advantages for mental and physical health. Whether you’re looking for short-term improvements or long-term benefits, taking a soak in a hot tub several times a week has been scientifically proven to improve overall well being.

But don’t just take our word for it. These are some of the most valuable benefits of hot tub use:

Improved Sleep

Nearly one-third of adults suffer from sleep issues worldwide. Some time in the hot tub can make a big difference, however. A study from the University of Texas found that soaking in water between 104-109°F for 10-15 minutes, about 1-2 hours before bed, significantly improved sleep onset and quality. Another study found that passive body heating led to better and more refreshing sleep among older women. It’s important to note that your body needs to cool down before falling asleep, and experts recommend using a hot tub several hours before bed.

Better Cardiovascular Health

According to Dr. Adolph Hutter, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, "The high temperatures in a warm tub or sauna cause your blood vessels to dilate, which lowers blood pressure.” Hot tubs will also increase your heart’s workload, meaning you can actually burn calories while lowering your blood pressure. Does this mean hot tubs are for everyone? No. If you have any health issues, it’s recommended you consult with your doctor to ensure hot tubs are safe for you.

Positive Mood

Whether you’re surrounded by friends and family or soaking solo, hot tubs are the ideal place to clear your mind, socialize, or reflect on your day. This not only improves your mood, but also calms the mind and provides further stress relief. Whatever time of day you choose to take a dip, be prepared for a boost of happiness, as warm water immersion also promotes the release of endorphins.

Increased Range of Motion

As we age, our flexibility naturally declines as a result of joint stiffness and loss of elasticity. Is there any way to stop the aging process? No, but Jacuzzi® hot tubs can certainly make it feel like the process is slowing down. Every time you take a soak, the buoyancy of water reduces pressure on joints, making it easier to stretch and move, improving your flexibility and range of motion. The heat from a hot tub also warms and relaxes tight muscles, making them more pliable and less prone to injury.

From assisting with pain management and stress relief to improving mood and sleep, Jacuzzi® hot tubs are an ideal way to stay ahead of your health and keep yourself feeling your best. Whatever stage you may be at in the buying process, we’re here to make sure you find the perfect therapeutic solution to take a pause with ease. To learn more about the Jacuzzi® suite of wellness products, visit us online at

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